No other film in the history of cinema has concluded in such a way as to leave a gaping hole in my mouth, and my soul, that no other piece of art may be able to fill for a very very long time. To call this film brilliant would be an under exaggeration. To call it inspiring would be contrite, and condescending. No, this film borders are something I believe to be a combination between pure euphoria and wit, unmatched by anything else to date. As the end credits concluded on my freshly opened case, my body refused to respond to any form of stimuli. To put it in layman's terms, I was unable to move. The movie was cool; damn cool. Imagine if you would, the greatest rock and roll concert ever. You've got Jimi Hendrix on guitar, Jim Morrison on vocals, and the guy from The Animals dancing around in the background. Now imagine a good episode of Cops. You know, one where they have a car chase that ends 16 hours later with vicious dogs and helicopters. Squeeze these two concepts together in a vice, and you have a film that I really liked, gosh darn it! Scott Shaw (sometimes credited as DJ Acid X) and David Heavener (most noted for his role in Angel Blade) are two cops that are fresh off their last assignment of defeating an evil drug lord that was threatening to destroy their entire way of life. Just when they thought their troubles were over, and they could get back to playing in their rock and roll band, 'The Angry Daggers', they are confronted by yet another drug baron (related to the first one) as well as his henchmen. The guys are gagged, tied up, and thrown in a truck, before being dumped in an unknown city. This is where the adventure really begins. The flawless dialog and character developments show a real depth on Scott Shaw's behalf. I see really big things for this guy. My recommendation? See this movie. Purchase it, and view it on your television set. I absolutely loved it, and you will too. 10/10!