What was the idiot watching when she/he made the comment about this show being awful? I've only begun watching this show this season, and all I can say is how helpful and passionate Clinton and Stacy are towards their fashion victims. Often times, they do make cracks, but it's always about the person's fashion sense, and NEVER about the person. There are many clueless people out there, myself included, when it comes to wearing clothes that truly flatter one's figure. Yes, it's arguable that there's maybe too much "cookie-cutter" and "conformist" views of fashion, but it doesn't take away from this show still being very educational (and entertaining).
I love their sarcastic and very dry sense of humor. There's a huge difference between being sarcastic for entertainment purposes and being downright mean and cruel, which they're not. The original UK version of this show is actually even more brutal, as the Brits/Europeans are famous for being no holds barred. And that show is still showing and has been wildly successful! As for this US version, I haven't seen a show yet where the participant walked away not feeling better about herself. Besides, you get flown to NYC, given $5,000 for new clothes, AND are given a hair and facial makeover. If you were to get a haircut from Nick Arrojo, you'd be paying through the roof! What's not to like?