No finer production of the late 5th century Romano-British warlord Artorius has ever surfaced. It is doubtful if the upcoming movie on King Arthur will ever historically touch this great film. From the employment of tartan cloth for trousers, or cloaks, to the Sutton Hoo helmet of the Swedish Vendel culture found in East Anglia, to chain mail and scale armor, it will be difficult for a historian to find fault with this film when compared to other attempts to illustrate this tempest of a era. David Robb was especially outstanding as Lancelot in the midst of other fine actors where the action was most convincing, and the intrigue most satisfying. The only fault I find in this wonderful gem of a film is that it has not surfaced (along with the companions from "Once upon a Classic" Robin Hood and the Talisman) on DVD. I shall always hope that this fine work will be resurrected and enjoy the praise which it so richly deserves.