'The Hunt' is an interesting film for me. I remember the first time I watched it I was really quite taken with it. I know it's hardly 'fast-paced' and definitely more of a 'slow-burner,' but the final third was pretty terrifying. In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I bought it.
A couple of years later, I re-watched it and kind of wondered what I saw in it. I've seen a few other reviews that describe it as 'Blair Witch with aliens' and that's pretty apt. It's about two hunters who take one of their step-sons into the forest in order to film a documentary on 'bow hunting.' Granted it's not all filmed from a 'POV perspective,' but there's enough first-person footage of people running through the woods and talking straight into camera to draw similarities.
I've watched it three times now and each time the only thing I'm left with is the feeling that I must have been in one hell of a forgiving mood on the initial viewing. I'm not saying it's terrible. It's okay, but no more than that. The acting isn't bad, but it has a really cheap feel - like a 'made-for-TV' movie. Even the aliens - when you finally see them - look like they've been animated on a Playstation 2. Plus don't expect many kills, or even gore on the few deaths you get.
I think if the film truly has a 'weak spot' it's the child actor who plays the little boy. I don't want to come down too hard on him as, due to his age, has hardly had many years of 'treading the boards' to perfect his acting talent. He just comes across a bit too weedy to really have much audience support.
Due to the film-makers deciding to tell the story as a kind of 'long flashback,' which is loosely interspersed with what is happening in the present, it does tend to rob the film of any tension as you kind of know what's happened and nothing really comes as that much of a surprise.
Overall, 'The Hunt' isn't an awful film, it's just so mediocre that you've seen a load of better horror/sci-fi films and this one is pretty forgettable (unless you're me, clearly).