With Road Signs: The Movie, Kristofer Rommel has been able to capture the eternal struggle that most of us deal with: we think we have all the answers, and in reality we don't know much. First the film is in B&W which will turn off many people to begin with, but as we have learned with indie films such as PI and Clerks, it's what's on the inside that matters. The beginning is a little dull as we meet our central characters Doug and Todd. Right away we realize they are complete polar opposites and since they are going to be stuck together on a road trip, fireworks are sure to spark. The production values are higher then you would expect with a truly indie film. And by truly I don't mean backed with Hollywood money. The film was shot with Cannon DV cameras and edited on a MAC. BUt what shines through the minor technological problems is a well crafted story and solid acting from the leads. Even the minor characters, and there are several seem to steal the scenes they are in. (Be sure to check our the deleted scenes for a hilarious, but somewhat Dahli-esquire look at the story line which follows a beggar trying to hitch a ride) Once the film gets going the time files, checking in at about 75 mins. The film seems more like 30 as the to characters travel from location to location and wax poetic about everything from the decline of music to returning items at "The local Superstore". All in all a great first effort form a writer and director that you will no doubt hear from again.