I saw this film at the Tribeca Film Festival. I was a bit disappointed. The film talks about the fight to repeal the Rockefeller Drug Laws. The laws take the power out of the judge and give mandatory sentences of 15yrs-life for drug chargers. The problem with law is that the power should be in the hands of the judges and be dealt with on a case by case basis. The film brings up this point up only a couple times, but focuses on Russle Simmons's campaign to over turn the drug laws because he "wants to bring families back together." The point is not to just let people out of jail who where arrested for this, but find ways to make our judicial system more fair. The word rehabilitation was only mentioned a couple times in the film, and they focused on the story of a man who was falsely imprisoned on a drug charges, and his fight to be released. Fighting to release Innocent people is another topic all together. They should have focused more on rehabilitation people who are on drugs instead of putting them in jail for 15-life and getting them proper representation in court. Just releasing people who were imprisoned for drug use is not going to solve the problem of drug abuse in our society.