I gave this movie a three out of ten. That is only because I am a sucker for really horrible monster movies. However, that being written, this movie was quite terrible. The acting was ridiculous and the character interactions were so random that I had a hard time realizing what was happening a few times. The monster was a very uninspired, run-of-the-mill man in a monkey suit, but at least the monster looked more believable than the sasquatch in the Sasquatch Hunters.
Lets start with the characters. The movie composes of an innocent female, four or five bank robbers, and several law officers. It was kind of fun trying to figure out which group was actually the most stupid. I cannot begin to understand some of the decisions made by the characters. For instance, around midway through the movie, the robbers and cops come across each others' paths. A stand-off ensues, with everyone holding their weapons aimed at one another. Then......BAM!!!! They all just start randomly shooting into the woods, I guess targeting Bigfoot. Then, in the very next scene, the two groups of conflicting interest are running through the woods, determined to fight alongside one another.
Then, as if the acting weren't bad enough, there is no real plot to the movie. It starts off like a really, really, really horrible version of From Dusk Til Dawn, but then ends up with only one sasquatch. The director and producers must have decided it to be a good idea to just through in an assorted batch of people, a farmhouse, and one Bigfoot, and Lance Henrickson, who I believe may have lost all his talent in choosing roles to parts not included in theatrical garbage.
Now, onto the few cool things. The Bigfoot in this movie must really dislike guns because it seems every time someone shoots a gun, Bigfoot is sure to just appear out of nowhere, run up to the attacker, hit them, and then run off. These parts were somewhat surprising and it is kind of cool to see a Bigfoot just run up and mix things up a little. However, you would think a gigantic, 600 lb. ape that smells like "a mixture of skunk and mother's milk" (in the words of Lance Henrickson) would be pretty easy to discern from the background noises in a quiet forest in the middle of nowhere.
This movie was terrificly bad. Three stars is so generous for this Sci-Fi channel, below average (and that's hard to be worse than the average Sci-Fi movie), mental masturbation flick. You might come out of the movie drooling on yourself, trying to remember why you watched this movie in the first place.