Let me say this right now and get it out of the way to any other potential filmmakers out there...if you can't put your movie on film, just don't bother! The only films that should be done on video are adult films, that is it! Even they suffer at times due to the fact you see every blemish if you have a HD television. A movie, forget it, it automatically screams bad to the tenth power and I have never seen one that can be classified as good. This film cost 12,000 apparently, that is 12,000 wasted! Do you know how many of us could pay bills with that money, but someone decided to take it and make a film that makes Manos: The Hands of Fate seem totally professional by comparison!
The story has a Sasquatch going crazy and killing people left and right. An Indian girl is tasked with killing it and for some reason a cop calls this reporter to come look at the crime scene while a fatter cop does not want the reporter snooping. Fat cop apparently ran afoul of this beast before, but forget that backstory as it really does not play out in any sort of way, but budding romance between chubby, pale and balding dude and very attractive girl playing Indian does!
The film is listed here as a comedy, but I found nothing remotely humorous about it. Just people doing stuff that they find funny and thinking others will too, like a class clown making fart noises and thinking he is a laugh riot and continuing to do it because one or two of his friends are laughing. The gore usually consists of computer blood, and if you are a low budget film and don't use practical blood effects another strike against you. There is nothing redeeming about this film except for the attractive 'Indian' girl!
So, if you have 12,000 to burn, put down a down payment on a house, donate to charity or heck, make an adult film; however, do not make a movie of any other kind shot with a video recorder. If you can do it on film, go for it, but not this, never this! Once again, it just seems like a film where they did intend it to be an adult film, but all the girls except one quit when they saw who they had to sleep with so they decided to make a film last minute so they could at least keep the 'Indian' girl. The film takes itself deadly serious too, they did a Rifftrax of it and to me it was weak because this is just too bad to even make fun off...