Peru, my homeland, has been the first country in Latin America to produce full 3-D animated films. First movie to be released was "Piratas en el Callao", a really interesting story with not so interesting results as a movie. Then, the second movie to be made was this tittle.
Yes, it's a good thing to be the firsts in Latin America. Some aspects of the story are interesting, as well as the theme song by famous Peruvian pop singer Gian Marco (which also puts the voice for the main character). But that's it. There's not much to celebrate from this film.
But, the story, appreciated globally, is far from being original, having several copies (not elements, copies) from American animated films. Then, Peruvian actress Gianella Neyra is not even nice hearing, and perhaps is the worst decision of the director, maybe in a desperate attempt to gain fame. At the end, the result is very poor. A little disappointing since Peruvian film industry has given us good news among critics. Is not enough to be the firsts in Latin America, is necessary to be the bests.