Actually, this is no good for anything less than binging. Unlike many serries' which have the standard formula of each episode or two completing a start and finish problem with a tad of long-term problem for the next episode to the end, this presentation of "Heroes" 2006-2010 is one long narrative.
There is a fun side to this program as it does not take you long to notice that all the supposedly "foreign" people are in reality American actors.
Many of the actors come from other series some are:
Masi Oka (Max Bergman in Hawaii Five-0)
James Kyson (Sean Leung in Hawaii Five-0)
George Takei (Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu in Star Trek)
Nichelle Nichols (Lieutenant Nyota Uhura in Star Trek)
Zachary Quinto (Spock in Star Trek movies 2009, 2013, and 2016)
Sendhil Ramamurthy (Jai Wilcox in Covert Affairs)
Many others will surprise you.
Unlike the episodes the season year ends do take the time and energy to wrap up the story just in case that is the last season. The exception of courses the last season that was getting a little long in the tooth and quits while in full fun. Still watch to the end and you will not feel they left you with a cliff hanger of the feel that this has been a pilot all along.
The series is split into something called "Volumes" that do not match the episode numbers.
The series gets to be a tad Hallmark near the end and they start doing weird skit and too many time travel episodes towards the end; if you can call it an.