This is an odd concept for a show--at least on paper. It follows a super-unique cake business that makes amazing and very expensive cakes. Each week, several of this wild cakes are created and then, in many cases, shown to the recipients. This is THE show...and it sure sounds dull. After all, it's only cake...right?! Well, no...there's a lot more to it than that--thanks to interesting personalities. It seems that everyone in the place is amazingly talented and a bit quirky--so much so, that you tune in to see them as much as the cakes. My particular favorite is Geoff. He's probably the most talented decorator, but also he is just plain weird--so weird, you never know exactly what's going to come out of his mouth. He's just an odd but highly entertaining guy. Now the show is not all Geoff, as the others also have quirky and very immature senses of humor--making this the place that practically all viewers want to work. Overall, despite being on many seasons the show is still going strong and works well despite its simple concept.
By the way, you can only get new DVDs of this show from Target (through season 3 as of this time). Also, for the bestest cake (yes, I know that isn't a word), see the show with the Exorcist cake--I still smile when I think about that one!!