I play music professionally here in Las Vegas and across the country...The Who was a major influence on me. First off, this show was part of a retro tour series going on through the MGM. But I wasn't aware of that at the time. My friend bought two tickets (they were $10 each), and said it was going to be an internet broadcast, so i thought thats all it would be. I was fine with the idea of seeing a live telecast of a Who concert from somewhere in the world displayed in the Grand Garden. For ten bucks, thats a good deal.
Once inside, i saw huge screens and behind them was some stage gear that caught my attention. Lights went down, then the band came out! They played only classic, Moon era songs just the way you saw it if it were 1975 again...deafening, energetic and spot on. Awesome! It ranks up there as one of my top three most significant shows I've seen due to what that band meant to me growing up. Watch it for yourself. If you are a Who fan, then its a must. I'll let you see the rest.