This movie essentially involves three young high school boys who belong to a neighborhood gang called the Water Mill Clan. One day they decide to take on the toughest gang around who go by the name of the Ditch Clan. But before they do they decide to change their name to the No Touch Clan to signify their new position as the toughest gang around. Thanks to the efforts of their best fighter, "Park Jeong-Kwon" (Park Keon-hyeong) they win and establish themselves as the top gang in the area. However, once they graduate high school things change as soon as Jeong-gwon leaves as his two friends "Seong-Hyeon" (Lee Cheon-hee) and "Yoo Kyeong-ro" (M.C. Mong) find it difficult to defend their territory from the reformed Ditch Clan. But it's then that Jeong-gwon comes back and just as he proceeds to take over the neighborhood again some really bad gangsters from his past return--and they have a serious score to settle with him and anybody who gets in their way. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film had a good mixture of action and comedy along with a decent plot to keep things interesting. On the minus side, the script contained more than an average amount of foul language and the end was kind of confusing as well. Even so, it was still somewhat entertaining and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.