This series is based of the "Little Princess" books by Tony Ross which was first published in 1986. I haven't really read any of the books since they were aimed at little children. But twenty years later, they finally decided to give the Little Princess her own T.V series but there's only one problem: it's WAY past it's time! This series is about 15 years overdue. I don't know why it was delayed but I feel that loads or people nowadays wouldn't remember of even heard of the Little Princess. It's just too late to capture a new premise! As for the show, it sucks! It contains the annoying and immature presenter Julian Clary bringing out a creeping narrator that chats to the princess. The characters have no personally and are very undeveloped. The Little Princess herself is annoying with all her rants and demands. She's a spoiled, little brat and I don't like it. Bad influence on children. The stories don't even make sense and the settings are so unrealistic. Altogether, if the series was released in around 1991-92 with the books most promoted then it would have been more understandable and rightly timed but still probably would have sucked the same. Don't bother with this show is watch I say! 2/10