I was surprised how emotional I got.I knew the Biblical story but this explained the characters more about how they helped Moses.
The Pharaoh was a cruel man. He saw the Hebrew population growing and ordered all of the babies killed. Moses was saved by his brother Aaron and sister Mariam and put in a basket by their mother and put in the water.
Aaron his older brother who Moses did not meet until he was and adult. God spoke to Moses but he felt inferior to represent God. God had Aaron help Moses.
The animation was different. It was different not bad. It seem there were a lot of oriental names in the creation of the movie. One of the credits says Sparky Animation Singapore. The Hebrews were slaves in Egypt their animated images made them look to healthy, some were fat and some with sexy clothes. Pharaoh had the slaves work extra hard so to me being fat is not result of working hard being strong maybe but not fat. I don't believe they were fed well in Egypt during that time.
The music was very emotional. As I watched how God loved the people and Moses tried to obey God I became very emotional. It reminds me of how bad the people where and always wanted something from God and never satisfied. It made me think about myself too. How God loves us and we disobey and don't give God the respect and love he deserves.
I thought the message of this movie was excellent. It showed how God saved his people the Hebrews, how he fed them, took them through hard times and allowed them into the land HE Promised them.It showed how God punished those who hurt his people and that he can be vengeful to their enemies.
It showed how when we have little to no faith in God he still loves us and keeps his promises.
Elliott Gould played the voice of God, I thought he was excellent. The drawn expression in the character with their facial expression and eyes showed the love of the characters for one another. It was very touching as well.