SYNOPSIS: The only child of well-known news caster Han Kyung-bae mysteriously vanishes one day. The abductor soon telephones and starts demanding a ransom, which keeps increasing throughout the film. The police form a top-notch task group to operate under his direction and appoint an experienced veteran to lead the investigation. However, the kidnapper consistently outsmarts the authorities and calls the parents again and again with new instructions for the money drop.
Han Kyung Bae (Father) - He is displayed as the news channel's anchor. It goes without saying that a newscaster's role is to present significant situations on television while being objective and emotionless. Ironically, his own son has been abducted, and he doesn't want the situation to get worse by spreading the word internationally. He displays great commitment, support, and optimism throughout the entire film. His The fact that he keeps moving from one place to another while obeying the kidnapper's commands, acting deliberately, and being mentally aware and trauma-free helps the audience realise how much the father wants his son back and how willing he is to fight and play the cat and mouse game. He is accompanied with a veteran detective which becomes his backbone throughout the chase.
Oh Ji Su (Mother) - A housewife from the 1990s is undoubtedly defined as a helpless and hopeful mother who wants nothing more than for her son to return home safely. She does housework, cares for her son, and feeds her husband who returns home exhausted from work. She maintains her religious beliefs despite the circumstances.
Sang Woo (Kidnapped Son) - His innocence, playfulness, and wonderful character immediately captivate the viewer, despite the fact that he only has a brief part at the opening of the film before being abducted. After he is kidnapped, one can perceive the pity. He is shown as ambitious and has the desire to one day become a well-known caster of a news channel like his father.
You experience an emotional and frightening rollercoaster in this two-hour film. The movie moves slowly, thickening the storyline as it progresses. Less violet, but more mental torment, captures the audiences eye. The situations are more realistic and look more natural because the father and mother are specifically shown losing themselves psychologically. Much thanks to the talented actors.
It is more helpful to explain a child's mental trauma when parents are seen having hallucinations of their child. There is a religious perspective emphasising that since certain things are beyond your control, all you can do is make an effort. Be optimistic and follow your path since, in the end, you never know what will happen. The voice analysis that was presented in the film was both significant and fascinating. The only solution was voice analysis because technology wasn't very advanced in the 1990s when the incident happened. Making an educated judgement about the kidnapper's face characteristics is made easier by studying speech modulation with tone and accent when the kidnapper used to call. These scenes
gives you a experience of investigating process used in early 1990s.
Back to back frightening turns happen. The investigating team and parents are used as props in mindgames by kidnapper to make the storyline more intriguing. It made me feel awful when I learned that it was based on a true story, but after watching the brilliantly directed film, it made more sense. The pain, suffering, and other emotional and physical trauma are endless.
FAVOURITE LINE: "I always thought bad things happens to only people" said by Father aka Han Kyung Bae.
Recommended - I highly recommend this movie for more than one time. It's worth it.