This movie is bad. The acting is bad, the script and screenplay are bad, sometimes even the cut is bad. The pace is too slow, and many scenes seem strangely out of place.
For instance, the scene were our protagonist meets a policeman in some small alley, and then quickly leans towards the wall, I'm not even sure why he does what he does.. At first I thought he wanted to turn his face away from the policeman to not be recognized, but this wasn't the reason, as they look at each other just after the cop walked by. So he didn't want to hide his face. He had no freaking reason to stand there for like 30 seconds looking at his own reflection in a piece of broken glass in a window frame. After that he just walks away. And the whole thing was acted ridiculously bad.
Now this was just one small scene. There are lots of scenes which just don't make any sense or don't quite "fit in".
The idea of the movie as a whole is actually pretty good. Other than most reviewers I even think the fighting scenes weren't bad, I kinda enjoy "realistic" fights, even when not all fighters are good at martial arts. But still, that is not enough to give this piece of junk two stars. The rest is just too bad.
A post-apocalyptic low-budget film that does everything right that this flick did wrong is the German movie "Kampfansage - Der letzte Schüler". Not sure if there is an English version. But if you wanna see a good low-budget post-apocalyptic movie, I would suggest that rather than "White Wall".
I even read the directors message in the IMDb board telling us how he had to struggle to make the production of White Wall possible, and how he had to shoot most of the movie in a 3rd world country, etc. Obviously they only had 15 days to do the whole thing.
But even with such massive odds, I just can't give this flick more than one star. No matter the troubles that the crew had to go through to make this indie movie possible, I'm sorry, it just disappoints completely.
My message to the crew would be: Do this in a more consistent fashion, make the scenes "glue together" better, ensure that your actors bring some real emotion into it, and for gods sake, give it a faster pace and remove the strange out-of-focus crap and the pseudo-artsy strange music. Please learn from this failure, thank you.