This DVD includes only 16 of the nearly 1000 episodes of the critically panned but commercially very successful (and fun) 1980s Aussie soap, attempting to give a very broad overview of the show's most memorable character Pat the Rat from the beginning of the show through her departure to Rio fleeing a murder charge to accommodate the exit of actress of Rowena Wallace, to her vengeful return sporting extensive plastic surgery to accommodate the entrance of actress Belinda Giblin, to the appearance of her long lost identical twin sister to accommodate the return of actress Rowena Wallace (yes, it is confusing, but soaps were much more outrageously fun in the '80s). Included is an amusing audio commentary from actors Belinda Giblin and Tom Richard (she says she had no choice, given the material, other than to play it totally over the top, he sums up his character by saying you can't do much with grunts!) and soap historian Andrew Mercado on one key episode.
While the collection includes the show's original episode and the extended version of its wailing theme song, it frustratingly does not include the final episode. The selected episodes showcase the journey of Pat the Rat and the plastic surgery storyline that the show is best remembered for, but does not really give us a sense of the over-the-top story lines that made the character so compelling. You actually do not see much of the highly neurotic scheming and manipulating that earned the character her nickname and made the show so enjoyable to watch.
The inclusion of a few more episodes - maybe even as a double disc set - would have provided a greater overview of the show and its central character, and presumably for not very much more in production costs.
Still, S&D merchandise and memorabilia is short on the ground so it is better than nothing.