The movie was awful, pointless, boring and NOT FUNNY AT ALL (at least not intentionally, I admit that I laugh couple of times at how stupid the intro song was). However, I HAD TO STOP THIS PUTRID VOMIT in the middle, took a deep breath and finish watching it whilst chugging my wine bottle, trust me, it was painful to watch; I guess I'm a masochist. I was literally cringing the entire time. I was amazed at how unintelligent the humor was in this crappy film. Tortillas Again? would have been less crappy, yet still really mediocre, if all the characters were replaced with ACTUAL actors or at least people with some acting experience, did the director Paul Ramirez put his family and friends to act? Moreover, cinematographically speaking seems more like a homemade video than an actual film, I know it was filmed in 2006, but I'm pretty sure that they could have rented a decent camera to film it with their alleged $7000 budget. Everything about this film is amateur: the editing is terrible (they didn't gave a damn about continuity), the plot was absurd, and sound was abysmal. I know it was low budget and all, but there is no excuse to make a film this awful. I've seen ultra-low budget indie flicks that managed to make a decent film despite their limited resources, it's called CREATIVITY and TALENT, qualities that people in this productions lacks entirely.
I googled Paul Ramirez, the mastermind behind this project, and apparently he is also a musician and writer, so I checked out his other "art"; his music is not that bad, but his writing is awful! He is one of those authors who never reads, but writes books (go figure). He wrote children books about a Latino Superhero and "role model", Paleta man... that's right, a Mexican Ice Cream vendor with mystic "Aztec Super Powers", whatever those are. Anyway, seems like Paul Ramirez is already a talentless director and a mediocre writer, why not stick to music? In conclusion, Toritllas Again? has absolutely no humor whatsoever, a cast of amateur actors, and one really terrible director (Paul Ramirez). This "film" is a contender for one of the worst movies I've ever seen.