"Sarah Landon and the Paranormal Hour" was intended to be the start of a series of movies concerning a Nancy Drew-like young woman investigating mysterious phenomenons. To date, no further movies have been made about this character, and seeing this movie provides some strong clues as to why. Do you remember those ultra low budget shot on videotape movies that plagued video stores in the 1980s? Well, in many ways this movie seems like an homage to those efforts. There's really cheap cinematography, nothing really in the way of production values, a flat and boring feeling throughout, and almost no special effects (and the few that there are being really inexpensive). And while the movie's title has the supposed protagonist's name in it, we learn very little about this young woman, one reason being that the movie more often than not loses its focus on her and concentrates on other characters. It's hard to believe that this movie got a substantial theatrical release... until seeing that it was handled by Freestyle Releasing.