Somehow I was under the illusion that Prey was in some way based on an aboriginal legend... Funnily enough not one aboriginal person was to be seen throughout the whole film. It was by far the worst Australian made film I have ever seen. Not one redeemable feature to be seen and the CGI snakes just topped it all off. Audio quality was slightly better than a cassette recording from the early 80's, which was most helpful in muffling the atrocious dialogue that plagued this drivel from start to finish. Characters were the kind of stereotypes that give stereotyping a bad name, and the only soundtrack that could be mustered was the occasional Rogue Trader's track obviously donated by the hapless lead NatBass. For a budget of $4m++ the producers would have been better off putting the cash into an ING account and at least getting the interest on it - not to mention saving all concerned the embarrassment of having their name to the film. I can only assume that some of the positive posts on this site regarding Prey are the contrived efforts of those responsible for this diabolical abortion of a motion (as in bowel motion) picture. Avoid like syphilis.