it was sad how many negative comments were flying around the media before Kid Nation was even aired!! we were wondering what it was going to be like, but decided to Tivo anyway. the crew was SO creative with the challenges and rewards etc etc. it was a joy to see the kids mature and grow---so many arrived spoiled and unwilling to jump in there, but they really changed over the weeks and we fell in love with each of them!!! they dealt with human conflict often better than adults, and in the end knew it was much more than an opportunity to be on a TV show..... it was an amazing opportunity to pull together and form a family/community, and make life-long friends!!!! we look forward to the Bonanza Annual Reunion, and know how this experience changed their lives---what will they become as adults? how will they influence our world? GOOD JOB KIDS!!! GOOD JOB PRODUCERS AND CREW!!!!!!!! PS...great to see old Daisytown transformed!!!