Story revolves around Kumbakonam, A Temple town of Tamil Nadu. The movie is starting with the introduction of MLA of Kumbakonam constituent Eswara Moorthy and his backstory. An honest police officer Assistant superintendent Walter is on a mission to nab the suspects of two newborn babies of mysterious death are the plot.
But the movie has more characters, Bala portrayed by Samuthrakani. His screen presence was less but it was great as usual. He has done a character of an important member of the ruling party and a good friend to Dr.Arjun portrayed by "Natty" Natraj. Acting of Walter as honest police portrayed by Sibi Sathyaraj was splendid.
Pre-Intermission of the movie has started with the plot and lost its path which finally ended in the climax. The writer has given a new kind of thriller feed to Tamil cinema, Bombay blood group. It is found very interesting and found a gripping one for a thriller movie.
Overall, Walter has missed its thrilling elements due to fabby writing.
Likes and Dislikes
The plot is clean and would have very good thrilling elements but unfortunately, it was missed.
Screenplay was utterly confusing because of fabby writing which leads to boredom scenes.
Cinematography is great in providing screen presence of the actors but it was not only required.
Characters of Bala, Arjun and the actress was not required which is putting soap to the plot for adding some elements since the writer not able to give a medical thriller.
To save Bombay blood group infants, an anti-hero is abducting them and saving them from the perpetrator which found outlandish.
The climax is not that much great, it could be better.