Is it cheesy? Yes!
Does it skip some information and you have to mentally fill in the blanks? Yes!
Is the main character a spoiled selfish lout? But does he learn and change? Absolutely!
Is it different, hysterical and fun? Absolutely!
I have to admit, it took a little brain tweaking to get into this. I'm a blond, freckle faced, born and raised Californian. I love Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie. So, to hear these characters talk about these famous western writers, was fun and shocking to me. Shocking that they would even know them. The main character, who is 'The Writer', dreams regularly about his main protagonist, Mr. Helmi. In the dream he is always in a train boxcar, and different characters from his book and life are sometimes on the train. Mr. Helmi helps him reason out who the murderer is. This part of the story is brilliant and fun. This show really is hysterically, but as I mentioned, your head has to be open to understanding, otherwise you won't get the jokes because they are presented in a dry humor. I believe this show also offers 'life lessons' about how easily you can lose control. The sisters of the murdered girl continually jump to conclusions that make perfect sense, but are way off. The blogger/journalist seems so clever at first, but then falls down a rabbit hole. I highly recommend this show and didn't regret one bit, the time I spent watching it. One more note, it is interesting that none of the characters ever kiss, even at their engagement party. Evidence that it is not really necessary.