It is tough to rate this or write about this ... this is not so much about making sense, but about how one is feeling ... it is supposed to help you heal I reckon. Not sure if it works if you don't believe in what Jodorowsky is preaching or not - it probably won't hurt, no pun intended.
But I may have gone too far ahead. While I was surprised there is another movie with Psycho Magic in its title, I would like to believe you didn*t find this particular movie by accident. Jodorowsky is infamous and you might be here because you love/hate him and his movies. Whatever it is, I can assure you that this is right up his alley ... or whatever allegory he might cook up to make a point.
I didn't know his age, but I have to admit I'm surprised he still makes movies ... he still seeks out to help people. So while I wouldn't call myself a fan, I appreciate what he does here. If it actually works or not, if it is just the people believing it, if it is staged at least a little ... all things you may consider or not. Maybe just enjoy this for the madness that it is ... this is Jodorowsky in a nutshell ... what he believes in and what his message to all of us is .. finally boiled down and not made into a "pompous" movie (you may feel different on this subject or not).
Own your feelings, good or bad, it is what you think and what you make of the movie - there is no objectivity ... something the man (master?) himself would proudly says! Like he doesn't believe in gender and age and ... you know I guess time in general (?) ... sound crazy? You bet it does ...