code monkeys is a great show... in fact one of the best to hit g-4 since x-play. It is actually something to watch that has the humor of shows like south park, family guy, and a lot of original stuff. And it manages to make every episode have a bunch of moments that you and your friends will constantly be quoting the next day.
aright, down to business, I've already established code monkeys is great, but what makes it so great? well...
graphics- if you want to get technical they're a combination of 8 bit characters in a somewhat 32 bit environment. The characters flow and although their mouths can only make 4 different poses they still manage to pull off the talking audio- the voice acting is amazing, if they want a character to be crazy, he's crazy, if they want a dumb a$$, then hes dumb... and it executions it with some of the funnest lines I've heard in a long time humor- "I leaned over to kiss your face, but i punched it instead" style- with a bar up above to mock classic video game menus and features and all of the words being in 8 bit and the fire and bullets mocking Zelda and Contra its an awesome experience.
overall- ITS AWESOME