Snow Shark is an ultra low budget homemade horror that looks like it was shot by a group of friends, using a camcorder.
And it's pretty much bottom of the barrel as far as Christmas themed horror shorts go.
Though, the concept itself was derived from a clever use of special effects...that being strapping a toy shark fin onto a remote control car, and driving it through the snow, to give the effect of the title character.
Other than that, however, it's really quite bad.
And, at times, even confounding.
Because it's not even clear what the snow shark even is.
Like, why does it have claws...and look like a guy with a hoodie pulled over his face...
Fortunately, it's only about 8 minutes long, and doesn't much of a you don't have to wrack your brain trying to follow it.
As it's really just the product of some mindless fun with friends.
But it's still very bad.
1 out of 10.