Wow, what an incredible feat R. Chandru has accomplished! I mean, it takes some serious skill to put together a blatant rip-off of Prashant Neel's three movies all at once. From the plot to the screenplay, it's a total hack job, and let's not forget about the stolen dialogue and visuals that make it look like a poor man's version of Neel's work(all three of his movies considered).
It's truly admirable how R. Chandru tried to showcase his "vision" for cinema, but I guess he forgot that he was just looking through someone else's lens from decades ago. Hats off to the people who managed to make this movie a reality, but let's face it, it's nothing more than below-average filth.
And let's talk about the inclusion of "Kichha" Sudeep and "Triple STAR" Shivrajkumar in the movie as cameo roles. I mean, why bother including their names to attract an audience when all you're delivering is copycat garbage?
Why put even promote "kichha" and "Shivanna" in posters when they are a cameo? Please dont spoile Kannada industry with such filth, just you got money
When did "kichha" suddenly become "Baadshaa"? It's a mystery!
And you are spoilng "real star" Uppi's impression with "INDIAN real star".
R. Chandru, it's time to face the music. Promoting your movie based on the popularity of other actors is a publicity stunt, and it only shows how incapable you are compared to them. I suggest you cut your losses and stop directing movies like this at a national level. It's only spoiling the image of the existing talent we already have.
I mean this is a clear rip off all along, if "agasthya" wear a 6 inch lion tattoo on his arm, our Uppi is given a 12inch cat like tattoo on his wide chest, and if Rocky smokes cigarettes.. it's only cigars for our hero in kabzaa. And I have no idea why Suddeep has a voice over, whatever he speaks is pain to listen in textbook Kannada ( worst background score and too loud throughout movie) the flow all around..I mean "Kichha" speaks only things that's already shown or know. Whats the point?
I mean R.chandru, this is all I could tell you, could point way more, but all I ask is please go back to drawing board and get to know how movies are made and when you have budget like this. (Ps- I suggest you watching some Korean movies and at what Budget they are made at)
In summary, well done, R. Chandru. You managed to create a work of art that's a complete copy of someone else's work. Bravo.