This horror comedy thriller is rather difficult to watch as a comedic movie for most of its duration and yet if one has the fortitude to watch it through to the end, it seems to redeem itself some. The primary problem for the audience is the rather off-putting behavior of Finn scripted by Aaron Fradkin, also director, and Vitoria Fratz who plays Jenny, a close friend of Finn. The story outline is solid, but the presentation is somewhat awkward in places as the humor mostly offered up by the luscious and mysterious Val, the woman whose home Finn breaks into and played by Misha Reeves with great affect cannot quite make up for the rather initial overly dramatic, brusque and rough performance by Finn that is actually out of character. In summary, this movie does touch on the notion of good and evil quite well and the last third of the movie almost makes up for the unintentional repelling nature of Finn along with the rather innovative quality performance of Val.