The name explains what channel is all about it is a critical analysis of films , even if he finds something to be fun or fans likes them he will still review the weak points in a movie. Being facisnated and excellent in story telling him self his analysis is often educational and interesting to listen to. However with so many garbage being marketed by the main IP s you can think he is repeating stuff but the problem isnt with him its these studios repeating the same mistakes in almost similar fashion many people have many opinions on why this is happening to the movie industry and I agree with similar critics its not politics but combination of bad writing too much focus on politics and also shoving heavy political messages.
Many reboots and rehashes got the movies they recreated wrong but in this era it has become worse and critics like him do analyze why it might be happening and if fans can understand these simple shortcomings the studios should too. It might fix the industry again or movie industries from other countries will start to dominate your movie industry and in the end you might lose your soul as well.