What the heck? This film needed a warning at the beginning. I am perplexed at the choices the filmmaker made and I've seen other docs on the exact same material create films that are infinitely better. It felt like they were trying to do too many things and I would have liked more depth and fewer segments. Beyond anything else, I CAN'T GET PAST the segment on the slaughter and eating if dogs in Vietnam. Even the people in the doc said it was becoming less and less popular. Not sure why it was included. Seemed thematically unessecary and overly macabre. They must have known the audience attracted to these types of stories and then they basically slap the audience in the face with a practice that is greatly diminishing globally. Even without that part, the doc was lacking structure or meaning, was fairly mediocre. A few segments were captivating but they did not save the film. One star is one too many.