I saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid (DOAWK) at a Cineplex large screen (full-price), with 2 grand-daughters, one of whom has read the books (I haven't). I concur with others that the film starts out promising, but tends to bog down in the middle. The main character becomes a little mean-spirited, and the fun begins to fade somewhat. I gather that the books contain a certain cynical tone for the main character, and that the humour plays off that. When you transfer to a screenplay, you have to get the 'voice' right, or else the gags don't work.
I might compare it to describing a Seinfeld plot to a bewildered foreigner: "you see, George takes a disabled parking spot at the mall, causing a girl in a wheelchair to have an accident, so George and Kramer buy her a replacement wheelchair that has defective brakes, and she goes screaming down a hill.." sounds mean, huh? it's not -- it's hilarious WHEN you see it in context. Maybe that's what happens in DOAWK -- incorporating several ideas from the books resulted in some 'losing the context', so to speak.
However, family films are few and far between these days, and this is passable family fun. My advice? if you have a matinée-priced theater, go see it. At full price? stay home and watch your 'Better off Dead' DVD on your big screen TV.