As a documentary "Kobe Doin' Work" was different. This Spike Lee directed documentary is basically Kobe's commentary on a singular game against San Antonio late in the '08-'09 season. Kobe would go on to win MVP for that season and the Lakers would go on to win the NBA Championship. If you are a basketball junkie, then this would be a great documentary. If you are a Kobe fanatic, then this would be a great documentary. If you are a basketball coach, on any level, then this would be a great documentary. If you are none of the above, then this documentary won't have the same appeal.
"Kobe Doin' Work" is Kobe giving insight to his thought process and actions before and during a game. Don't expect to hear anything salacious or revealing; it is very basketball-centric with just a bit of commentary on his kids and family life. While he's talking a bit about himself professionally he's also giving an overall breakdown of what's going on on the floor. It's very nice just to get that inside look you may have never seen or heard before and of course it's cool to hear the voice of the late Kobe Bryant.