Calling this an Asian PotC rip off would not be fair, since this movie clearly stands on it's own.
THe movie takes place in Malaysia somewhere (I think) around 1800. The main protaginist is a young amn named Pari who wants to be taught in the magic art of Du Lum, a sort of sorcery that uses water and the sea as it's ain element. At the same time the coast is threatened by a pirate named Black Raven (his English name is used througghout the movie, no idea why). He as well as the defending army are searching for a mighty bronze cannon that sunk to the sea many years ago.
While by no means bad, the script is sometimes extremly messy and confusing, switching from persons and scenes too many times. Especially in the first half I didn't know who was attacking who and for what reason. It's a shame really because the props and production values are amazing.
Watch this movie if you are into nautical adventure movies but don't expect a master piece.