This is a found footage/haunted house film. It's also a comedy where the humor hits at multiple levels (something for everyone). It's a film firmly rooted in 2022, so it's destined to be a more of a time capsule curiosity rather than timeless. It had a decent set-up. Only two characters. Familiarity of the nature of YouTube streaming personalities is useful, but not required (There is a lot of humor to be read onscreen as you see a live stream chat and all the comments). The horror? It was actually quite fun! Practical effects that were charming. The setting was well-chosen and especially creepy. Listening to the lead character crack wise constantly didn't detract from some decent tension building. Had a few moments that I'd call gently chilling. Clever use of body cams in a survival horror situation. If you enjoyed the Evil Dead films - you'll feel quite comfortable with this one. The humor is all over the place and does approach zany Sam Raimi levels at times. Maintaining credible humor and horror at the same time can be difficult. The movie did start to falter a slight bit (you'll have the layout of the house memorized by film's end). Would have played better at an hour long, but any filler is forgivable. If you love haunted house investigations - I'd consider checking this out. This was pretty fun.