This movie is nothing new to anyone who has ever watched a film about exorcism(s). Throughout the movie we encounter the standard possession scenes. a demon (or spiritual entity) taking complete control of a person's body for any length of time, remaining dormant at other times. The movie follows your run-of-the-mill exorcism-movie progression
the demon at first seems to only manifest timidly, with more boldness as the film progresses, and finally stops bothering to hide itself altogether, along with a spiritual adviser to try and excise the demon.
There are a couple of things that set this movie apart from the others, though, and that was quite pleasing.
The first is the complete lack of "jump" scenes, at least from my perspective. There might be a few scenes where viewers are scared or grossed out, but not nearly to the standard found in most movies in the exorcism sub-genre. For me, I found it a bit disappointing
I honestly love shock scenes, and this movie needed a bit more excitement. It would be a good movie for those who are easily scared or unfamiliar with the concepts of possession, but has little else to offer as far as suspense. I might be able to watch this movie with my friends who are not horror or suspense fans, as it holds little of either.
Another element that is a bit different in this movie is the exorcist himself. We know little enough about him at the beginning of the movie, but as the movie progresses his character deepens towards the climatic twist; and the foreshadowing is there for those who watch closely. The reasons for events in and around the possession and exorcism are fairly unique; my kudos to the writer for (as far as I know) introducing something a little bit new into the genre, instead of completely recycling The Exorcist.
I didn't notice that the acting was bad; it really wasn't. The female lead Sophie Vavasseur did quite a good job in her role, especially in the demanding scenes where she must switch personalities between the teen Emma and the possessing spirit; both in attitude, body and facial expression.
Overall, I can't really recommend this movie to any horror/suspense fan unless they are looking for another cookie-cutter supernatural film to whittle away the time.