Having immensely enjoyed Sorry to Bother You, I was very excited to see what Boots Riley did with this and was not disappointed!
Excellent commentary on capitalism, with plenty of surrealism throughout.
I only wish that the pacing was a bit more balanced; I think this could have easily been a standalone mini series but it seems that some things/characters that could have been explored with more depth were intentionally left out in favor of some too-long scenes involving sex/romance and action.
My favorite bits were the various superpowers and the scenes critiquing capitalism with some fantastic visuals. I also really love the cartoon that was shown throughout, and the dystopian elements.
I hope that if there is a season 2 that it can focus more on exploring the main characters in depth, more over the top hilarious commentary on commercialism, as well as more powerful and concise messages on capitalism.
I hope that we can see more and more popular movies and tvs explicitly calling out capitalism and the toxicity of society in the hopes of inspiring people to fight back and create a better world.
I would vote this 8 stars, but am putting 9 stars to boost the overall rating because it is at a 6 right now and I don't want people to be deterred by that unfairly low score.