I got annoyed seeing only complainers in the reviews and that doesn't seem fair to the game ARK as a whole. If you don't like it, don't play it it's fine.
Ark Survival Evolved in itself is a very ambitious game that delivers an intense, fun, and often infuriatingly frustrating experience. Yet so many people keep coming back. Genesis part 1 introduces new mechanics and goes deeper into the story of Helena, now our companion H-LNA. It put it's foot down that this was a sci-fi MMO. Genesis part 2 concludes that story of our robot companion and of Rockwell, an individual who's been teased and talked about through explorer notes hidden throughout the previous story maps.
There's more good here than bad but let's talk about bad first. I only have 5 things here actually.
1. The Space Biome, this is an amazing concept but is frustratingly difficult and that's mostly due to the controls if you can survive that long to see.
2. Difficultly spikes in the "easy" simulation missions. Nothing like dying to 5 scorpions poising you and black out And dying to 5 carnos, 6 raptors, and 4 snakes. And that's personal.
3. Shift to sci-fi. Personally I love the shift they made to all in sci-fi, but I know why many people hate it and totally understand. Playing Ark prehistorically is a blast! So if you don't like it, just play what you like!
4. Glitchy Tek. The Tek weapons and vehicles are glitchy as hell.
5. Some buildings can be entered but most can't. I think that's a huge mistep. If you allowed all buildings to entered I think more players would have loved it and you would have seen player made cities and some fun communities.
Now some things I think people with love!
1. The new tames! Taming has never felt so rewarding when you get yourself a new overpowered creature!
2. The suit. Tired of dying cuz you run out of breath underwater? Did you die cuz it's dark and you can't see the cliff you fell off? Want to get to the other side of the map quickly? Wildcard studios really went in and said, go crazy, and gave everyone a tek suit.
3. Mission rewards! Good rewards=incentive to do the story! Well done.
4. The story. Some parts are more difficult than the others, but talk about a rewarding and just great story! Discovering the story as you explore and complete missions is clever and makes the player feel good. And just a great story with great voice acting. Especially from David Tennet.