Cursed (2024) is a recently added movie on Tubi. The story follows a tourist who arrives in Romania and has unsettling encounters with the locals before retreating to an isolated cabin in the woods. As strange occurrences escalate, he begins to realize they aren't just visions-something inside him is changing.
Directed by Patrick Corcoran in his directorial debut, the film stars Leanne Johnson (Extraction, USA), Sarah Bonrepaux (Cam2Cam), and Billy Brannigan (Life Coach).
Despite its low budget, the acting is surprisingly solid. Sarah Bonrepaux delivers a standout performance as the female supporting character, and I'd definitely seek out more of her work in the genre. The costumes and settings are well-executed, creating an immersive atmosphere. While the special effects are limited, the kills are creative, with some enjoyable gore, and the transformation scene at the end exceeded my expectations. The storyline held my attention throughout, making it a pleasant surprise.
In conclusion, Cursed isn't a great film, but it's entertaining enough for fans of holiday horror. I'd rate it a 5/10.