Even a train stops. Not Leno. His perpetual-hangin' on...just keeps going... Reminds me of an old, withered, washed up, wrinkled starlet that's in her 70's still thinking she can act. Act like a beautiful, young woman -- in high school -- but she ain't the teacher! Let it go, Leno. Go drive your cars; schaleb with your Hollywood 'fans'...you know, the other schalebs you gave their first big break. What your doing, pretending to be the 'other' Tonight Show, even though contractually, you can't say the word 'tonight' in a sentence is a major dis-service to Conan, who by the way...IS the Tonight Show! H e l l o, Jay. You're looking like you've been branded and your sword has been broken in two. I suggest you do something else. This thing is failing. Badly.