Well made documentary and excellently told story. This needs to be seen by all.
I have seen the hole series and I found it to be shockingly truthful. It is visually beautiful and well edited, even if it is so heartbreaking. Dick and Ziering build up a strong piece with new never shown material, footage and recorded phone calls, combined with interviews with prosecutors, witnesses and child psychologists. They don't choose the truth, it was out there and they grabbed for i, cause it cannot be ignored anymore.
This is a story about a horrible family tragedy, but it is also a story of our culture, and the context we live in, a context that lets powerful men off the hook. It's about lack of justice and what part media plays in it.
In the core, how ever, is a little girl who was stolen of her innocence and childhood, who was not heard or believed. This little girl is a grown woman now, and it's time to listen to her.