Greenlit subverts the eco-documentary by venturing into new territory: the film industry. Ever since An Inconvenient Truth, most films under the eco-documentary umbrella have focused on the devastating, yet broad focus of global warming and how we as humans are accelerating that devastation through our day-to-day lives. Greenlit is a microcosm of the genre, narrowing its gaze upon the environmental threat posed by the film and television business, far and away an unusual suspect when it comes to eco-docs.
Greenlit centers on the "green production" of an independent film, and the benefits and challenges that accompany this mode of production. Through the viewpoints of the cast and crew, a number of diversified opinions are delivered on the practicality, viability, and likelihood that Hollywood would adopt "green productions" as an industry standard. Altogether, the differing perspectives, as well as the insightful footage taken from the film set make for an objective analysis of the environmental impact of what is an otherwise overlooked institution of the contemporary environmental debate.