PSM tugged at my heartstrings like no other.. every episode made me an emotional wreck, wondering why it's so hard for two people who love each other to be together.
I would like to give my little review on the ending of the serial (although I am no critique).
Many are complaining (I have read a lot of comments) saying "Bakwaas ending" "why did they drag the show if they were not supposed to be together" "fazool" "so disappointed" bla bla bla. And while everyone is entitled to their own opinion I believe if you look at it with an entire different perspective you will see what I see, what the writer, director, actors must have seen ? And what others who agree with my analogy of the ending believe.
A lot of people are confused and didn't understand the ending and my advise to them would be to watch the last episode again but this time clear your mind and heart of what YOU want to happen and just watch it again, you will understand. I believe everyone will have their own understanding of the ending and it wasn't supposed to be clearcut, we will all have different version and that's okay. It just depends what eyes you see it with.
I believe as humans we tend to project our feelings and energy into other people hence why we are always disappointed. There is also a degree of emotional involvement done by the audience into such a serial. I myself were emotionally involved and felt Rakhshi and Aslam's pain so personally although I can't say I have been through what they went through.
People want a happy ending and thats ok because reality is usually a lot different and it is an escape for some however I'm a realist and this is probably the best ending to a serial I have ever seen. While many will disagree with me the bittersweet ending is in fact what life is.. you can be happy even without your first love and you can love again but your PSM will always be your PSM.
I truly believe only a minority will actually properly understand the ending because 'you will only feel it , if you have felt it' the emotions of love are complex, I'm sure millions of viewers have fallen in love before but have they actually seen the complexity of it? The boundaries? The sacrifices? What it actually is all about? In the end it's not about if you end up together it's about so many different factors. And what we need to realise is that sometimes it IS OK to not be together and it IS still possible to be happy.
Also who says they didn't get together? That one day in the finale was a lifetime together in their eyes. Rakhshi and Aslam did end up together and that was enough for them and personally for me.
Finally a round of applause for Rakhshi the emotions that she portrays just from her eyes is what made her so powerful throughout the serial and Aslam the he delivered his dialogues were truly on another level. Huge respect for these two.
Also for the Writer, Producer, Director and all the other actors (Akram, Bushra, Zaynab, Nargis and others) I enjoyed this serial like no other and while I know I am no critique and my review means nothing but I just wanted to express my opinion.
A huge 10/10 for PSM.
Last but not least the ending of Pehli Si Mohabbat was... Pehli Si Mohabbat.