Film, like all art forms, has to offer us something personally. That also means that there will be lot of film that just never click. I would ask those who were bored, however, that they consider what the director was trying to do. Here we have a young woman who has fallen into a sort of despair. She works at a call answering service for a credit card company. We get to see how this could be really unpleasant. People often call because their own incompetence led them there. Some are angry because they needed their cards to work but they don't. And some treat these operators as if they were like minded friends. One guy has supposedly built a time machine and he doesn't want to carry cash into the past. He is a frequent caller and always gets the same response. What has happened to this young woman as that her life has become so consistently withdrawn, that she has lost all the joy. A man dies next door to her, and it turns out she never really knew him. She retreats to her apartment and shuts out the outside. Her father has become a widower and she can't handle his loneliness and rejects him out of hand. Eventually, she gets an epiphany from a young woman whose incompetence invites her cruelty. But there is much more to the story. I rather enjoyed this.