I have seen both the first and second seasons of this excellent series. It explores topics ranging from eternal life to multiple dimensions, with host Morgan Freeman clearly both interested and knowledgeable in the topic he is discussing. The scientists who appear throughout the show are a mix of the current leaders and some of the up-and-comers in quantum theory and astrophysics.
The common thread running through virtually every episode is the Theory of Quantum Mechanics, and this series will be all the more interesting to you if you have some idea of how modern science works. A Scientific Theory is not a "guess," an "assumption," or a "belief." Theories are based on hard evidence, and are put to the test every day by a world full of scientists who would love to prove one of the big ones wrong. Keep in mind that Gravity is still only a Theory because we can only observe its effects on other things; you still can't see it or directly measure it, even with our high technology.
Quantum mechanics is the dominant theory in modern science because it has been validated by every test thrown at it so far. What this series covers are those many tests and trials, as well as the ideas on the horizon, with each hour long episode dedicated to a particular deep philosophical question. Scientists with competing ideas are allowed to explain their work, and cover many of the new frontiers such as String Theory, Nanotechnology, Multidimensionality, the Multiverse, and even what Consciousness truly is.
Typically science documentaries made in America are not as good as those from the BBC, Europe, or Japan because American shows have to cater to a majority that sadly still fails to accept even evolution. Despite my reservations, Through The Wormhole is bar none the best science documentary series I have seen, as well as the most current in terms of the cutting-edge scientific community.
The production value is very high, with many stunning visual representations of the concepts being discussed. The video is HD and scenes are framed and shot more like a film than a standard television documentary. It even has its own original music rather than stock. They clearly went all out in making this the best it could be.
If you have an open and curious mind I can't think of a better series to recommend. This is a show for people who aren't afraid to ask the big questions, and who are willing to be left with even bigger ones after watching the series. Through the Wormhole will certainly broaden your horizons.