In Los Angeles, Angela Holmes (Olivia Dudley) is a happy young woman, pride and joy of her father Colonel Roger Holmes (Dougray Scott) and in love with her boyfriend Peter "Pete" Smith (John Patrick Amedori). On her birthday party, she cuts her hand and Roger and Peter take her to the hospital. When she returns home, she has a seizure and they drive her back to the hospital. Then Angela is discharged but she pulls the wheel of the taxi causing a serious accident. She returns in coma to the hospital. Forty days later, she has no response and Father Oscar Lozano (Michael Peña) convinces Roger to unplug the life support system. Out of the blue, she awakes in perfect health. Soon Angela shows signs of demoniac possession and the Vatican sends Cardinal Bruun (Peter Andersson) to perform an exorcism to save her soul. Will there be time to save her body?
"The Vatican Tapes" is a decent and underrated horror film, one of the best about exorcism. The plot is based on Catholic beliefs but is engaging. Most of the cast is excellent and has good performances; maybe only Michael Peña has an inexpressive performance. The conclusion has an open end maybe with the intention of a sequel. But in general, "The Vatican Tapes" is satisfactory with an appropriate use of Handycam or surveillance video. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): "Exorcistas do Vaticano" (Exorcists from the Vatican")