Jett Klyne plays "Max" a 12 year old boy who manages to escape a Nazi loading operation that takes his mother (Katherine Fogler (Faigie) and little sister off to be executed and mass buried in their hometown in Poland. He doesn't realize that until much later. He manages to find his way to a farm for awhile then out to the forest where he manages to survive off mushrooms, fish, berries and the occasional rabbit all the while doing his best to avoid Nazi colluders who are all searching for hidden Jews to get the reward. (Goes to show the depravity of mankind during this historic period) Nothing questionable, no violence but it is implied, no nudity. Lots of murder and dead bodies lying about rotting. It amazes me that this kind of thing is still going on now. Hopefully soon this will all stop for good. A fine watch and historical as well, the last bit has a piece with Max today visiting those who survived with him. Enjoy!