It is more realistic, about the great power of evil like Coup d'etat, declaring martial law, justification of bad action done, deception and etc.
This is more mind battle than any other dramas. A battle in everyday real life struggle.
The actors have better and more realistic performance of acting
It is also not about politics, government and military but also I see some portion of battle on economy in the market crises. Which is real happening around the world about those hoarding of goods, abuse of less intellect people and slavery because cannot pay of the taxes.
The military battle has better performance not only in tactical combat but also in planning and strategy
There is also battle between Knowledge of Science that was used in politics during Eclipse and Mandate of Heaven mystery
You learn a lot like values, military, political tactics, governance, laws, science and etc.
It is a very deep context of stories and the characters are deep and complex in nature which is a more realistic.