This production screams quality. The sets, costume, acting, and direction down to camera movements and an overall directorial vision that is cohesive and deliberate. These are a few of the excellent qualities of Michal Rogalski's "Dawid i Elfy" (David and the Elves).
I was enthralled right up until someone spoke. This has nothing to do with any the voice actors' ability or talent, it is the fault of whoever chose to overdub this film rather than to just have subtitles. It is likely no worse than any other film's overdubbing, however, with a film of this quality, it comes across as cheap, rushed and performed by actors that seeming didn't have enough time to prepare for their roles and who just ended up reading lines (often in isolation and not interacting with other actors) into a microphone in a studio. I very well could be wrong but that is my major gripe with this otherwise great little film.