... Another bad reality show. Stereotypes of Italians or not, this was awful. First off, It reminded me of one of those Animal Planet Shows where they take animals and put them in special environment, to strive in awesome conditions for the particular species of animal. Also, It reminded me of some of those Twilight Zone Eps where humans are lured to certain situations supposedly conducive to human behaviour and than like that .. end of the world type scenario. In other words, This show was degrading. The whole guido and guidette theme was ridiculous. NJ is just like any other state with a multitude of different ethnicities , religions and races. These early 20 something folks had to be the dumbest of the dumb to not realize how they were being used. Paycheck or not, dignity is most important. At least in my opinion. I must be honest , I watched just the first half of the first episode. I got bored quickly. It was basically one f bomb after another...bleeped out of course. I am far from a prude. I just felt the language got old quickly. I truly felt I was watching 'Animal Planet' with animals being substituted by people.The kicker is , the animals are smarter than this gang of assorted nuts. None of these people were even likable. I wonder if these folks realize that most viewers are laughing AT them.They were a caricature and a bad one at that. Very depressing. This was just a bad show , with lousy stereotypes and skimpy clothing.Contrived or not they did offer ,somewhat of a plot. I wont give away here. Thus the 2 rating instead of a 1.Still this was very lame . Summertime on the Jersey Shores , has to be better than this.